2024, Year in review
Looking back at 2024, a year full of changes, mistakes and hard life lessons.
Underachievement and hard work
thoughts on how hard work doesn't necessarrily translate to sizeable achievement in this age of software and software engineers.
Horizontal BarLine chart in @shelacek/plotery
I'm building https://github.com/soulsam480/byoga and needed a horizontal bar chart setup to show spend categories, but the @shelacek/plotery didn't have any. But it has a super configurable API that m...
Life's been kind to me
The daily bike taxi rides have become a sanctuary of solitude amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. It is during these moments that I have the opportunity to reflect on my day, my accomplishment...
Around midnight
I don't know why I'm writing this at midnight on a hot summer day. I don't have an objective. I just felt like writing something. But to be honest, I had something in mind before doing this. Something...
A Year at RevenueHero
It's been a year since I joined RevenueHero. That's crazy right ? Time surely flies. This writeup is a tribute to my first year at RH.
Impulsion is often unnecessary and negative.
A write up on why being impulsive is often unnecessary and negative. Reflections on my struggles with the same.
Why can't you be truly happy ever.
A small writing on what I feel about being truly happy in life.
The weight of feelings. [Ch. 1]
Reflecting upon my mental state since the last few months and the reasons behind it
2021, Year in review
Looking back at 2021 and reflecting on learnings, challenges, achievements.
Opinions on The Vue ecosystem
It's been a year since Vue 3 was released, and a lot more has happened since then. As a developer who works with Vue almost every day, here is my observation of the Vue ecosystem and my opinions on th...
State of state management in Vue
Let's have a look at the current scenario of state management in Vue 3 and why you may not need a separate library to do it.
Functional programming in Vue
A brief discussion on the state of functional programming in vue. The whys' and the why nots'.
Introducing PDF Donkey
A fast, free and open-source alternative to PDF Donkey with support for self hosting.
Vite code splitting that just works
Vite is an amazing tool that makes the DX while building apps a lot better. While vite brings pre-configured and optimized build setup with rollup, code-splitting isn't setup effectively. In this arti...
Conditional class names in Reactjs without pain
Using conditional class names in react is a little bit on the bad DX side. There are some npm packages that solve this issue, but you can do this with barely 4-5 lines of code. Let's see how can we do...
Rengoku - a vitepress theme.
A vitepress theme inspired by Flame Hashira Kyōjurō Rengoku.
An introduction to Render Functions in Vue 3
In this article we are going to talk about render functions, the hidden gem of Vue. We'll talk about how it works behind the scenes of template tags, how the API has changed from Vue 2 and how to use...
Why I'm moving to Typescript!
I have been a Javascript user for about three years. My first line of code was in javascript. I love writing code in Javascript because of its simplicity and adaptability. Javascript has escaped the b...
Send HTML form action POST requests from Javascript with Vue-post
A Vuejs plugin to send HTML form action POST requests from Javascript or from any HTML element!
Paytm payments for serverless websites
Paytm payments integration for serverless JAMstack websites using Netlify lambda functions. This repo will save you from the nightmare of setting up a serverless payment integration from scratch.
Short Stories are coming!!
I'm creating ten short stories influenced by real-life characters of our college lives.
Self Quarantine and boredom
No, this is not an article on scientific facts about corona virus or not about those precautions. This pandemic has made my life a mess and I'm sure everyone else's too. This boredom is killing my min...
The philosophy of positive thinking.
A simple note on how positive thinking can change the course of things happening around you.
Charging 2020 🔥🔥!
Something about 2019, something for 2020. Life has been great this year. A note of gratefulness towards life.
A learning timeline for python beginners.
Python is currently the most sought after language and It's becoming essential to have this on your skillset. I'm too a beginner and here is my timeline for learning python.
Self Love and You !
Going by definition “Self-love requires you to be honest about your current choices and thought patterns and undertake new practices that reflect self-worth.” ~Caroline Kirk.
Life and the meaning of Wanting.
A want is something that you desire and something that an individual does not possess yet. An individual can have unlimited wants based on their attitude and character.